Child in Need Institute, India has launched an urgent response to the COVID disaster in India. As the catastrophe engulfs the country and the health system is overwhelmed, preventing COVID transmission is critical.
Families desperately need practical information and assistance to prevent further devastation from COVID. CINI has 47 years’ experience reaching families in the city slums and rural villages. It’s field workers are trusted in areas where resources are scarce and poverty is severe. They are the best people to spread these urgent and lifesaving public health messages.
Our appeal will fund the emergency COVID response and CINI Australia’s ongoing community development programs in rural villages and with families affected by HIV/AIDS. These programs address poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and child marriage which have worsened with the devastating impact COVID on already vulnerable families.
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Or by direct debit at CINI Australia, Child In Need India Gift Fund: BSB 036 306 AC 344863Donations are tax deductible