
Quarterly Update from CINI

CINI’s Comprehensive Efforts in Addressing Community Challenges

Beyond the focus of our three main programs, IICCHAA, CFC, and Ujjan, individuals in India face numerous economic, environmental, and social challenges that CINI addresses through their expansive work. By targeting ongoing issues such as menstrual hygiene and climate change, along with responding to immediate threats like Cyclone Remal, CINI continues to work hard on the ground to create better outcomes for those who are often impacted the most.

On May 26th, Cyclone Remal hit with high waves and wind, devastating villages in the Sunderbans and displacing communities to cyclone shelters. CINI began warning the community by using established mothers’ groups and adolescents’ groups to assist in this effort. During the meetings, the community was advised to take their important documents, medicine and food, and to take shelter in flood shelters or other safe places, undoubtedly saving lives.

World Environment Day was observed at different intervention areas of CINI on June 5th, focusing on this year’s theme ‘Our Land, Our Future’. CINI launched the campaign ‘Adopt a Plant and Build Your Planet – The #GreenDream initiative’. The celebrations included rallies, block-level seminars, awareness campaigns, and tree planting.

Menstrual Hygiene Day, observed on May 28th with the theme #PeriodFriendlyWorld, was celebrated by CINI Ujjan in collaboration with the Adolescent Clinic at Calcutta National Medical College and Hospital. The event featured a virtual video by singer Shreya Ghoshal on period education, followed by group discussions on menstruation misconceptions, menstrual hygiene, and the disadvantages of teenage pregnancy. Awareness sessions also included healthy menstrual hygiene practices, the importance of using sanitary pads, cleanliness, mental health care, the importance of food, stopping food wastage, and sanitary pad distribution.

We invite you to read CINI’s Quarterly Report to gain a better understanding of the breadth of their incredible work:

Thank You Modus: Quarterly Donations in Action

During the first 9 months of 2024, Modus Property generously donated $14,050 towards our programs, specifically IICCHAA (Indian Initiative Child Centered HIV Aids Approach). Through their kindness every financial quarter, we are able to share stories of change from India.

IICCHAA: Memory Work Session and Nutritional Support

Memory Work sessions conducted by CINI between April 2023 and March 2024 played a pivotal role in supporting children affected by HIV/AIDS three districts. These sessions addressed the nutritional needs of affected children, tracking their height and weight quarterly to monitor their BMI.

Preventing malnutrition is critical for children with HIV and these sessions addressed their nutritional needs and tracked their children’s height and weight quarterly to monitor their BMI.

After providing Nutritional support to 223 children throughout the year it was observed that 33 children became “Normal” from “Thinness” during the span of 1 year.

These sessions not only facilitate better health outcomes for families, but improve communication between parents and children, providing a safe platform for families to express their needs and concerns.

Monthly Nutrition rations being received by Anil and Aunty (names changed).

Earlier this year, Tim Mathews, Director of Modus Property, travelled to India for the 50th Anniversary of CINI. Here he is pictured at the Nutrition Camp, surrounded by the fresh fruit and vegetables that individuals are encouraged to eat as part of a healthy diet.

Nutrition Camp, CINI 50th Anniversary Celebration.

Thank you, Modus Property, for your continued and generous support!

The Tale of Two Courageous Girls

Earlier this year, Alumni CINI Australia Staff Member, Hollie Cavanagh, travelled to West Bengal for the 50th Anniversary of CINI. Her story was shared at our Annual Mother’s Day Celebration High Tea Fundraiser to an audience of 100. Her story is one of empowerment, strength, resilience and change, as she followed the lives of two little girls from 2019 to 2024.

I’d like to start by adding my acknowledgement of the traditional custodians of the beautiful country we meet on today, the Wadjuk people of the Noongar Nation who have nurtured these lands since the beginning of time.  I pay my respect and gratitude to elders past, present and emerging, extending this to all First Nations people across the place now known as Australia and particularly to any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people who join us here today.  May their deep and enduring connection to country and culture, always remain.

I live with my imperfect yet loving and loyal husband and our 2 often flawed yet warm and sometimes adoring adolescent kids and, our middle aged yet utterly adorable maltese shitzu dog.  We live in a peaceful, safe community thick with the love and support of family and friends, on a backdrop of mostly solid acceptance and opportunity.  Don’t get me wrong, my life and that of my family hasn’t been, nor is it now, without genuine challenge and trauma…but on the whole and outside looking in, mine is the life of a pretty ordinary whitefella living a mostly charmed life on the coast of beautiful Wadjuk country.

But between 2017 and 2023, I had the very EXTRA-ordinary privilege of working closely with Jennie (who you’ll hear from later) and CINI Australia – and while those years are over, I know for sure that I can never depart myself from it, because of the utterly captivating, faultlessly enduring efforts it continues to make, delivering life-changing programs of empowerment to the most vulnerable communities I will ever know.

This knowing deepened even further after my 2nd visit to CINI India, earlier this year, together with some of the Board members.  We were inspired by the 50th Anniversary celebrations and humbled by the warm welcomes that met us upon arrival at every community we visited.

Seeing CINI in action in India, is a deeply profound experience – visiting the communities, meeting the families and children, and hearing about the impact that CINI is having on their lives.  CINI operates at an unbelievable scale – seeing first hand the enduring commitment and passion of the CINI staff and frontline workers who stop at nothing meet the needs of every vulnerable individual they encounter, is nothing short of astounding.  CINI is absolutely making a real difference in the lives of many.

As you’ll hear or may already know, the most direct impact CINI has is on the pre-natal mother, the newborn baby, child and adolescent stages of life.  Just from 5 years of working with CINI and 2 visits to India, I’ve been witness to countless stories of change from every one of these life stages.  So, it’s near impossible to choose what story to share, from which program impacting which family in what community…But as a parent of 2 teenagers, it’s the stories of transformation and empowerment of young people that resonate deeply with me right now.

So, I’m going to share the story of 2 girls we met during our February 2019 visit to India, at a support group meeting for HIV effected families and young people.  In this picture these girls are the same age that my daughter is now.  But by the age of 14, Arufa and Jasmina (names have been changed) had been dealt a very different hand to the tiktok-ing teens of Perth.

Arufa was sick for a long time before she learned that she was HIV positive.  When she first found out, she blamed herself, she felt alone and scared and didn’t believe anyone would care that she was sick.  When CINI outreach workers first came to her village, she wasn’t convinced that they could be of any help.  But with further counselling and education, she eventually accepted the support of CINI and over the coming years, her strength and confidence grew.

Arufa’s Story

Jasmina’s mum died of HIV when she was a baby and her father took her brother and, being the burdensome girl child, Jasmina was left behind with her mother’s family.  When we met her in 2019 she’d been attending CINI’s HIV support program for 2 years – at the time, she told us how CINI had taught her how to stay healthy and strong.

Five years on, in February this year, we met these girls again.

Arufa, now works as a mentor for groups of adolescent girls, just like she is here…she’s effectively paying forward the skills and confidence that she gained with CINI’s support, to the next generation of girls attending their HIV support programs.  When we met this group, Arufa was sitting front and centre, telling us (a large group of tall white strangers) her story, with the help of Suchi, our CINI chaperone and translator.  She spoke with unmistakable clarity, confidence and excitement for her future, as the girls behind her hung on her every word (as did we).  Arufa blushed as she shared the news of her (choice) marriage and proudly spoke of her work as a tailor – a skill she also gained through the CINI lifeskills program.

When Jasmina recently turned 18, she made the difficult choice to run away from her family as they were planning her arranged marriage (so she would no longer be their responsibility).  Also escaping the physical and emotional abuse of relatives, she bravely left with nothing but a small bag of personal belongings and went straight to CINI to seek immediate support. 

If she hadn’t been engaged with CINI’s support program for as long as she had, Jasmina would have remained disempowered and convinced she was without choice.  Instead, she took her rightful path and with CINI’s support has secured affordable accommodation and a traineeship to build her skills for future employment and a life of independence.  In this photo, she too was telling us her story (again with our impeccable translator, Suchi) with authentic confidence and the knowledge that she has made the right choice and has the steady backing of CINI to follow through.  Before we left India, we visited Jasmina at the café where she’s completing her traineeship and she proudly took our orders, and served us our meals.

And this gorgeous woman behind her is CINI outreach and support worker Deepa – she is a firm and bold feature in all these support groups and programs – so fierce and steadfast ensuring that vulnerable young women, like Arufa and Jasmina demand nothing less than genuine and empowered self-determination.

These are just 2 of the countless stories of change that I’ve seen since I first became involved with CINI 7 years ago.  That’s just 7 years -out of FIFTY – they’ve been doing this for 50 years and they’re bloody good at it.  CINI responds to whole spectrums of disadvantage and vulnerability – from the children rescued from being trafficked across the border to the flood effected regions high up in the mountains – countless programs across the most vulnerable communities with a reach that goes from the most remote and isolated villages of West Bengal to the densest inner city urban areas of Kolkata. 

It’s a response that creates palpable excitement in a newly empowered adolescent and maintains the dignity of a new mum rejected by a community that doesn’t yet know that HIV is not a touchable disease.  It’s these stories that are confronting and inspiring all in the same view, and the passion and care of the CINI’s enduring response that will keep this spectacular organisation firmly in the deepest part of my heart and soul, for the rest of my days.

Hollie x

EOFY Appeal

Dear Friend of CINI Australia,

Our End of Financial Year (EOFY) Appeal is a great opportunity to take advantage of CINI Australia‘s tax deductible donation status.

Your contribution can help a family with HIV to thrive, an adolescent in Kolkata’s Red-Light district to reach her potential and a rural village to see young mothers receive the best care.

CINI Australia helps to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and disadvantage in India. Any support or donation you give will make a real and lasting change in the lives of women, children and local communities. 

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation before June 30th and help us raise $20,000!

Use the ATO’s Donation Tax Deduction Calculator to help you estimate the tax advantages you may receive: Click here.

What Your Donation Can Do:

  • $100 funds the development of skills and knowledge for each of the 545 adolescents in the “Ujjan” Program, empowering them to navigate adolescence successfully and become community leaders.
  • $400 supports one family in transitioning from the challenges of an HIV diagnosis towards independence. This includes psycho-social support, health education, healthcare access, children’s education, housing advocacy, and income generation training.
  • $2,500 employs outreach workers who are trained to assist families facing the challenges associated with HIV. Their understanding and courageous advocacy for rights are instrumental in driving change for these children.
  • $5,000 will enable the “Child Friendly Communities” team to reach an additional 12 remote villages and enhance safety, health, and education for children and mothers.

CINI Australia is a registered charity with DGR status, so any donation over $2 is tax deductible. At least 92% of funds raised in Australia goes directly to women, families and communities in India.

Every dollar counts and even small change can create big change. Please consider making a donation today. Thank you!

Event Invitation: Mother’s Day Celebration High Tea Fundraiser

Dear Friend of CINI Australia, 

We are excited to announce that you can now purchase your tickets for this year’s High Tea Fundraiser on Sunday 5th May!

Celebrate Mother’s Day with us this year with a delicious high tea, including scrumptious food, aromatic plunger-coffee and the option to buy a glass or two of sparkling wine.

There will be a talk by CINI Australia where you will hear all about our recent visit to India and the latest news from our programmes, plus live entertainment, a shawl stall and beautiful gifts to purchase for Mother’s Day.

Fundraising activities will include our famous ‘Lucky Sip’, plus prizes to be won in our raffle and an exciting silent auction with many amazing prizes.

Help CINI Australia raise funds for our programmes that improve the health, nutrition, education and protection of women living in poverty in India.

The girls of today are the mothers of tomorrow.
Let us lift them up and empower their voices!

CINI Australia Mother’s Day 
Celebration High Tea Fundraiser

Sunday, 5th May 2024, 2.00pm – 5.30pm
Exhibition Hall, John XXIII College, Mt Claremont, 6010

Tickets: $60 Full, $50 concession, $440 table of 8. (Wine extra).

Can’t attend? Please consider making a donation. Our 3 programmes need your support! Even a trickle can cause a flood, so no donation is too small.

Or contact us about hosting your own Fundraising Tea by emailing: Thank you!

A Letter From India

Dear Friends and Supporters of CINI Australia,

This message was written from the Child in Need Institute headquarters in Pailan, just south of Kolkata, to share the 50 year celebration of CINI’s work empowering women and building safety for vulnerable children.

Thank you for your wonderful and continued support.

Let me give you a glimpse of what we saw and heard in the villages and slums where your contributions are changing lives.

Families told us that they want to continue on this path and request we continue to fund these life changing programs.

Thank you,
Jennie Connaughton

Founder CINI Australia

Note: Photos: names have been changed and permission received for use of photos

Foundation Day

CINI Australia visitors joined the fantastic celebrations of CINI’s 50th anniversary on Thursday 1st February.

The guests of honour were the 4 children from 4 of the states in which CINI works. They spoke to us about their lives, the change CINI has helped them make, of their dreams and aspirations and their determination to achieve their rights and be heard. Their beautiful regional dances were joyous celebrations, their dramas skilfully addressed family violence, gender equity, inclusion and child marriage.

Outstanding staff received well deserved recognition for their dedication and work over the past 50 years

Congratulations and recognition came from the world’s leading organisations working against child exploitation and violence against children including the UN, SAIEVAC, ECPAT and the West Bengal Commissioner for the Protection of Childs Rights.

Support groups came from Italy, Switzerland and Australia joined this celebration of extraordinary achievements.

IICCHAA: For Children Affected by HIV 

A home visit to Naimah and Sabira

After squeezing into totos then making our way across the padi fields, we received a warm welcome into Naimah’s home where she lives with her 4 daughters at the edge of the padi field. Curious neighbours gathered arounda stark contrast to earlier days when the family was ostracised because of fear of infection. Naimah clearly feels very supported by Anaewara, Nazia and Succhandra, the IICCHAA team. Lots has changed since they joined this program.

Naimah and her daughter, Sabira, are now both healthier, on regular ART medication and no longer afraid. They are again a part of their community. Sabira, who had never been to school, is in grade five and has mastered the alphabet in 2 languages. She is the first generation able to sign her name, a huge step towards independence and security. IICCHAA’s tutoring assistance is helping her catch up to her age-appropriate grade. 

Income generation skills enables Naimah to support her family through sari making, piece work that earns her about $5 per day. Sabira showed us the vine spinach, tomatoes, eggplant and a young mango tree that they have growing in the kitchen garden, a strip of land between their home and the padi. A great help to their finances and nutrition.

Child Club: A Safe Place for All Children

In the next village we joined the IICCHAA Child club, a room bursting with noisey, excited girls. The community provides the space where infected and non-infected children come together to play and learn about their health, their rights and how to advocate for themselves to the authorities.

The children, under direction of one of the fathers presented a beautiful drama illustrating how they educate their community about HIV, are supported by the IICCHAA team and act to prevent child marriage.

Rashma, who we met 4 years ago when she was unwell and so low that she was barely able to talk with others, now speaks with confidence about her illness, replacing myths with facts and giving other positive children hope for their future. Dr Rumeli described the intensive support she required. Through CINI’s income generation training she is establishing her financial security. As she is now well and thriving, she has  been phased out of the program. She returns to help with children’s meetings and awareness events.  She is an inspiring role model for other children in the same situation.

Memory Work: Bringing the Present and Past Together 

Simply put, this is a process to sync the child’s family history and memories with his/her present and is a powerful way to build close communication between child and parent, ready for more challenging conversations about HIV.
We heard countless stories of change in the health, social inclusion and emotional wellbeing of families. Income generation development has had an enormous impact. Access to sewing machines, tailoring training (by one of the fathers) and computer training is building much needed financial stability. The team identifies each child’s strengths, be it academic, dance or artistic and encourages them to develop these interests to their further education. The children were excited and proud to share their paintings, creations and dance.  
The strongest message came from two mothers who took the floor. Zia said, “Slowly I am learning to sew, I do not want to stop, I want to learn more advanced sewing”. Rahima explained “with what we have learned, we know how to protect the rest of our family, we don’t feel ashamed, we can interact with anyone positively”.

The Facts and Figures

The 2024-25 budget for our IICHHAA program’s is approximately $76,000. 

Remarkably, this amount employs 9 staff who, between them have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience.

They reach about 223 children from 185 families across 3 districts. Each child receives a monthly essential nutrition bundle, a total of 2,676 food bundles in the year.

Thousands more learn about HIV through IICCHAA’s advocacy and community awareness campaigns. To maintain this effective and deserving program we have a fundraising challenge ahead.  

Contacts us with any questions: If you would like to discuss how to support a village or family or district or to partner CINI Australia in this wonderful program let us know. Please email:

Please forward and share this letter to help continue this much needed programme. Thank you for being an important part of the team.

CINI India Celebrates 50 Years of Change

On Thursday 1st February 2024 the Child in Need Institute (CINI) India turns 50.

For five decades, CINI has empowered women and children on an individual and community level, to help break the cycle of intergenerational poverty and disadvantage in India.

We have been associated with CINI in India since they began in 1974, and have built a respectful, honest and authentic partnership with them. This year, CINI Australia Board Members and other CINI Australia friends, will self-fund their travel to Kolkata to share this remarkable milestone together.

History of CINI

Founded in 1974 by Dr Samir Chaudhuri, a Bengali paediatrician with a special interest in child malnutrition, CINI started its journey from villages around Kolkata as a clinic for malnourished under-5 children.

  • 1974 – Registered under the Societies Registration Act.
  • 1985 – CINI Urban Unit set-up for street and working Children in Kolkata.
  • 1995 – Adolecent Program initiated within the life-cycle approach.
  • 2007 – Recognised as State nodal agency for initiating the ASHA selection and training in West Bengal.
  • 2010 – Awarded World Bank- supported Development Marketplace project for income generation of women’s groups by marketing low-cost nutritious supplement “Nutrimix”.
  • 2011 – Established shelter home for homeless women and girls in Kolkata with support from Government of West Bengal.
  • 2011 – Child In Need India (CINI) Australia founded by Dr Jennifer Connaughton in Perth, Western Australia.
  • 2018 – Initiated its community-based intervention in Assam with support from USAID.
  • 2020 – Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (Havard University) selected CINI’s work on harm prevention for the research project “Understanding Prevention: An Analysis of three Community-Based Harm Prevention”.
  • 2022 – Joined core group of India Alternative Care Network (IACN) facilitated by UNICEF country office.
  • 2023 – NAT-Health Healthcare CSR Award ‘Community Based Health Solutions’

Lives Impacted

Over the last 50 years, CINI India has impacted the lives of over 50 million babies, children, adolescents, women and mothers.

  • 1.4 million pregnant and lactating women by ensuring access to services.
  • 76,000 children addressing their nutritional need.
  • 92,000 children in accessing educational services.
  • 0.1 million children being protected from any forms of harm.
  • 5.1 million Adolescents being engaged in empowerment process.
  • 49,637 Poor vulnerable families received dry-ration during COVID pandemic.

Awards & Recognition

CINI stands out amongst other NGOs for its tireless dedication and commitment to change. We would like to take this opportunity to recognise the ground-breaking work accomplished by CINI India.

2023Joyee Award from CII and IWN, Recognition of excellence to caregivers for CINI’s exceptional contribution towards society during and post-pandemic situation.
2023NATHEALTH Healthcare CSR award for best community health solutions in India.
2019Dr. Samir Chaudhuri, e Parivartan Inspire Award, Britt World Wide (BWW) in the category of Women and Child Welfare.
1994Achiever of the Year 2019 (vertical Hub: Child Care), Tata Institute of Social Science: School of Vocational Education.
2017Best NGO, Health category, HCL Foundation.
2015Mobile for Good Awards, Vodafone Foundation for our initiative GPower.
2015Nari Suraksha Sanman Award, B Sirkar Johuree Nari Sanman.
2013ABP Ananda Sera Bangali Award, category Public Life, to Dr. Samir Chaudhuri, SPJIMR Harvard US – India Initiative (HUII) NGOs Excellence Award.
2013-2018Certificate of accreditation for adherence to the desirable norms prescribed for the good governance of voluntary organizations by Credibility Alliance.
2011ICICI Lombard and CNBC TV18 ‘India Health Care’ Award.
2011WHO Award for Excellence in Primary Health Care in India.
2008Annual Rotary India Award, most significant contribution in reducing child mortality, Rotary Club.
2008Ellis Island Medal of Honour, USA to CINI’s Director and founder, Dr. Samir Chaudhuri.
2007Dr. Samir Chaudhuri, World of Children Award.
2005Dr. Samir Chaudhuri, Premio Parlamentare per l’Infanzia (Children’s Award by the Italian Parliament / Parliamentary Commission for Children).
1985 & 2004National Award in the field of Child Welfare.

Story of Change

The story of Abhijit Baski: In the Green Zone of Health

Abhijit Baski, aged 4.9 years old, is a healthy and happy ‘CINI Nutrimix baby’ having been fed CINI Nutrimix regularly along with other food. Abhijit was detected as severely underweight, and in the “Red Zone” of malnutrition, at a screening camp for children 0-5 years at the ICDS centre, in Kurulia village when he was 2.5 years old.

“We learned about making dry Nutrimix, khichdi,and laddoos; proper cooking practices, health and hygiene, and care of new-borns and young children. All the mothers listened because there are many children who are in the Yellow Zone. My son is now in Green but I try share what I learned and show them how to make Nutrimix.”

Read Abhijit’s full story here.

The Future of CINI

The future is bright for women and children in India. Over the last 5 decades, CINI’s approach and award winning ‘CINI Method’ has stood the test of time, creating fundamental changes to the foundations of society in some of the most disadvantages and marginalised groups in West Bengal. There is still a lot of work to be done and we look forward to the next 5 decades and beyond, helping to give women and children a voice in India.

Thank You

CINI’s success wouldn’t be possible without global supporters like you. We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you for your continued support of CINI. Your support creates lasting change in the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of individuals.

Recurring donations are the most valuable gift you can give. They secure funding for our programs, so that we can continue to provide support throughout the year. Even $2 goes a long way in India, where even the smallest donation can create the biggest change.

Thank you for your support.

Read more: CINI @ 50 Years – CINI (

Connect With Us

We invite you to follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter to receive live updates and news from India during this momentous occasion. Thank you for following and sharing the work being achieved by CINI.

The more people we reach, the more stories from India we can share, and the greater impact we can make.

Make a Difference This Christmas

This Christmas, we invite you to make a donation to CINI Australia to support women and children in some of the most disadvantaged regions of India, specifically West Bengal. Your support creates lasting change in the lives of individuals, where even a small donation can make a significant difference.

Donations to CINI have a tremendous impact, and we are proud to share the following success story as an example of the positive change achieved this year.

Income Generation Training – IICCHAA 
(Indian Initiative Child Centered HIV Aids Approach)

Income Generation Training focuses on equipping individuals with skills that enable them to create income, with the primary objective of bolstering their financial independence. The trainees are individuals living with HIV, who wish to secure their livelihoods.In the South 24 Parganas, tailoring sessions were initiated for 8 young adults and mothers. Additionally, a 3-day Vocational Training Programme was organised in the Murshidabad unit, targeting 3 adolescents and 3 mothers from HIV-affected families.

This training program takes place at CINI Head Office, in collaboration with a local tailor who was previously supported by the program. In anticipation of the Bengali Durga Puja festival, which sees increased demand for various items like sarees, kurtis, churidars, bangles, earrings, and jewellery, the training focused specifically on fabric painting.

This hands-on approach helped to empower individuals with the means to generate income through their newfound skills. Programs like these form the cornerstone of the CINI Method—an internationally recognised and award-winning human rights-based approach.

Your contribution this Christmas can make a significant impact. CINI Australia is a registered charity, so any donation over $2 is tax deductible.

Thank you for your support.

Your Donations in Action

To read more about the work accomplished by CINI, we invite you to read our Annual Report. This report covers the period from July 2022 to June 2023.

Killerby Christmas Wine Offer!

Killerby Wines are supporting CINI Australia and our work in India, by donating $20 for every six pack of wine sold!

Killerby Wine Selection

2023 Killerby “K” Semillon Sauvignon Blanc –  RRP $20.00, CINI Price: $12.50
Fresh & flavoursome tropical fruits with a crisp zesty finish.
2020 Killerby “K” Early Harvest – RRP $20.00, CINI Price: $12.50
Moderate sweetness, lifted tropical fruits, citrus blossom and honeysuckle.
2023 Killerby “K” Chardonnay RRP $20.00, CINI Price: $12.50
Pear & kiwi, citrus & tropical, youthful & vibrant.
2022 Killerby “K” Cabernet Merlot – RRP $20.00, CINI Price: $12.50
Crimson red, blackberry & plum, fresh & juicy
2019 Killerby “K” Shiraz – RRP $20.00, CINI Price: $12.50
Black & blueberries, dark plums, intense & fleshy

Buy a case of 6 for $75!
*This special pricing does not allow us to offer mixed or part cases.

How to Order

Fill in the editable form below and save the form to your computer. To do this, click on the ‘save’ icon in the top right hand corner of the pane.
– Or, click on the ‘Download’ button, fill in the form in a new window and save the form to your computer.
– Email your completed order form to or fax to: 9363 1333.
– For all enquiries phone Killerby Wines: 08 9363 1300.
All payments are processed by Killerby Wines.

Important Information

– Final Orders must be placed by Tuesday 28th November.
– Orders can be collected from: Suite B, Main Level, Southbank Central, 38 Meadowvale Ave, South Perth on Saturday 2nd December between 9am – 1pm.
– Or, you can opt to have your order delivered via Australia Post for an additional charge of $10/6pack

Thank you for your support!

Why Tim Mathews Chose CINI Australia for Modus

Tim Mathews, Managing Director of Modus Property, has been a valued supporter of CINI Australia for many years now; donating a portion of every job they do to CINI Australia. Modus Property offer a level of service to trade work usually only expected from “White Collar” professionals. We met with Tim recently to ask him what inspired him to support CINI Australia and thank him for his on-going support.

In the first quarter of 2023, Modus donated a generous $3257. The funds continue to support CINI’s Indian Initiative of Child Centered HIV/ AIDS Approach (IICCHAA), which currently provides support to 171 families and 223 children affected by HIV/AIDS.

In the second quarter of 2023, Modus donated $3257 again! This money directly funds Life Skills training for 12 adolescents affected by HIV/AIDS. Their confidence and capacity grows each month as they move towards their independence.

Q: What motivated you to start supporting CINI Australia?
It took several years to build a company which was capable of making consistent profits. After this was achieved, I wanted to be able to give back; and was on the lookout for a good cause that we could support on a regular basis. We had previously made donations to an orphanage in The Philippines as we had some admin staff there at the time. However, I didn’t feel confident enough that the money was going to the right place and around this time was introduced to Jennie Connaughton (Founder of CINI Australia). Jennie’s authenticity shone through, and I felt very good about what CINI does. I especially like that the money can do good for more people in a country such as India than it could in a first world country.

Q: How does CINI’s mission align with your company’s values and goals?
Nothing specific. However, I’m a big believer in hand ups not hand outs and I think CINI seems to operate the same way.

Q: Can you share which specific projects within CINI resonate with you most and why?
Nothing specific but also everything. Each time I hear about an individual’s specific story it’s always touching. And I know that there are so many individuals being positively impacted by the work CINI does. So being able to be a part of that feels good.

Q: What kind of impact do you hope to achieve through your support of our charity?
“Help people far less fortunate lead less difficult and hopefully happier lives.”

Q: How do you communicate your company’s philanthropic efforts to your employees, customers, and the public?
We have a page on our website that I update quarterly and a quarterly Facebook post too.

Q: Have there been any instances where your company’s involvement with our charity has resulted in unexpected or particularly meaningful outcomes?
Some customers have definitely seen it on our website and sometimes make mention. I can’t say for sure but would imagine that all other things being equal, it may be the impetus for someone to choose to work with us over a competitor from time to time.

Q: Is there anything else you would like people to know?
“Not specifically that I can think of… other than that we are the best renovation company in Perth, and we do what we say we’re going to do; unlike most trade companies unfortunately.”

You can see Modus’ donations in action by visiting the Giving Back section of their website.

We would like to say a big thank you to Tim and his staff at Modus Property for their incredible donations and commitment to CINI Australia.

To find out more about becoming a corporate sponsor, please email:

CINI India recognised by NATHEALTH Health Care CSR Award 2023

In April this year, CINI India was awarded a prestigious award for its commitment to the right to health of India’s most vulnerable communities, the NatHealth Healthcare CSR Award 2023. At a ceremony held in New Delhi, CINI’s CEO, Dr. Indrani Bhattacharyya, received the award directly from the hands of the Minister for Institutional Affairs of the Government of India, Shri Rao Inderjit Singh.

The NatHealth Healthcare CSR Award

Every year NatHealth, the Indian federation that brings together different stakeholders from the corporate public and private health sector, awards this award. 63 projects have applied in 2023 to receive this recognition. The jury that was to evaluate them was composed of members of the Indian government’s health institutions, a researcher from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, a member of the corporate world and an expert in health and nutrition from the World Bank.

After careful analysis, the jury chose the “Suswasthya” project by CINI!

The Suswasthya project for the right to health in India

Suswasthya in Bengali means “good health“. The project aims, in fact, to ensure the right to health to the poorest Indian communities, and especially to women and children. The activities take place in the Birbhum district of West Bengal. In two years, the project reached 5,724 direct and 50,000 indirect beneficiaries, focusing on high-risk pregnant women, malnourished children and vulnerable adolescents. Through capacity building activities, CINI operators have trained over 4,000 health workers in public services.

The intervention is financed by the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fund of the National Stock Exchange, an Indian government body that regulates the stock market. This partnership between the private social sector and the business world realizes, among others, Goal 17 of the 2030 Agenda.

In the words of CINI founder Dr. Samir Chaudhuri, “this award recognizes CINI as a leader in delivering health and nutrition interventions to support poor communities living in remote, hard-to-reach areas.”

Congratulations to the CINI team for the important recognition received!

Source: An important award for CINI’s work in favor of the right to health in India! – CINI Italy | Help the mother, help the child (

Mother’s Day Celebration Appeal 2023

This year we invite those of you in WA to come along to out Celebration Fundraiser on 7th May, Sunday, 2-5:30 pm

CINI Australia Mother’s Day Celebration Afternoon Tea Tickets

Are you too far away or can’t make it on the day?

You can still contribute to maintaining our three important projects in India with the CINI Australia Mother’s Day Appeal or hold your own gathering and ask family and friends to help reach your goal set up your fundraising page here

Help Stop The Spread of COVID and Save Lives

Child in Need Institute, India has launched an urgent response to the COVID disaster in India.  As the catastrophe engulfs the country and the health system is overwhelmed,  preventing COVID transmission is critical. 

Families desperately need practical information and assistance to prevent further devastation from COVID.  CINI has 47 years’ experience reaching families in the city slums and rural villages.  It’s field workers are trusted in areas where resources are scarce and poverty is severe. They are the best people to spread these urgent and lifesaving public health messages.

Our appeal will fund the emergency COVID response and CINI Australia’s ongoing community development programs in rural villages and with families affected by HIV/AIDS. These programs address poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and child marriage which have worsened with the devastating impact COVID on already vulnerable families.

Donate at

Or by direct debit at CINI Australia, Child In Need India Gift Fund: BSB 036 306 AC 344863Donations are tax deductible

Mother’s Day Celebration 2021 Appeal

This year we are unable to hold the annual High Tea for CINI Australia. Instead we are asking supporters to make a donation or hold their own fundraiser as they celebrate their Mother’s Day. Invite family, friends or work colleagues. As COVID infections surge in India, the situation is dire. CINI has the experience and expertise to mount an effective response to this crisis. Communities need accurate, understandable health information to protect themselves. CINI COVID Assistance centres throughout the state will disseminate vital public health education, nutritional support & distribute COVID Wellness Kits.(masks, sanitiser etc) This years fundraiser is critical for our ongoing programs and to help families through this pandemic. See how to help at:

Christmas Appeal 2020

Donations to CINI Australia are now tax deductible

This year’s Christmas Appeal is more important than ever as India continues to be severely affected by COVID-19

 Donate in lieu of a Christmas gift or Secret Santa

When COVID struck, CINI quickly identified the greatest needs in their communities. A huge response was mounted. Food parcels were distributed throughout the state. As the lockdown eases CINI is now responding to worsened poverty, malnutrition, interrupted schooling and diminished safety of children.
Our committed field workers are again working in more than 94 villages.

COVID-19 pandemic response

Thank you for supporting our Mothers Day event. CINI has been providing emergency food and soap to families who can’t otherwise access enough for their children.This means we can keep our important community development and HIV programs running as much as possible through the lockdown. The teams will be ready to start again as the lock down eases.

Mother’s Day Fundraiser Raffle Prizes 2020

Everyone who donates to CINI Australia’s Mother’s Day Covid Crisis Appeal will go in the draw for one of 9 beautiful prizes kindly donated by generous local businesses.

Please contribute to this appeal that will fund CINI’s emergency response to the lockdown in India. Families are being provided with packages of essential basic food supplies to help them survive this difficult time as well as soap, sanitizer and education about ho to keep safe.