By working at the grassroots level with local women, adolescents and young children, community leaders, volunteers and government bodies, CINI India concentrates on building child friendly communities and empowering systemic and social change.
CINI acts as a facilitator in engaging key people in the community to increase awareness on problems affecting the community. They help to identify vulnerable families, plan ways to address shared priorities, and monitor the progressive fulfilment of human rights for the whole community.
Communities are helped to address child labour and trafficking and family violence issues. Women are encouraged to understand their right to access quality health services early in their pregnancy and continue through the life cycle. Health, hygiene, feeding practices, nutrition and reproductive health are important for the whole family.
A key component of this program is assisting local government workers to build capacity and enable systemic change within their own communities.
At the heart of this program are the women and children. By enabling them to participate in making decisions that affect their own lives, women and children become leaders in transforming their communities to make them inclusive of the most marginalised and poor members.
$5,000 will enable the “Child Friendly Communities” team to reach an additional 12 remote villages and enhance safety, health, and education for children and mothers. Click here.
Find out more about the internationally recognised and rights-based CINI Method.